During Jan. 9 – Feb. 27, 2019, Dr. Jerry Hizon provided a series of lectures on lifestyle/healthy habits to prevent and/or improve chronic disease in the city of Temecula. The lectures covered the seven pillars of lifestyle medicine: nutrition, exercise, sleep, light environment, water, electromagnetism, and community engagement.

If you missed the program, you can watch Dr. Hizon’s talks and see various helpful resources on the seven pillars of wellness online:

Introduction to the Seven Pillars of Wellness

Pillar #1: Nutrition

Pillar #2: Exercise

Pillar #3: Sleep

Pillar #4: Light

Pillar # 5: Water

Pillar #6: Electromagnetism

Pillar #7: Community Engagement


This program was organized by Dr. Jerry Hizon, Justin Philobos, and Margaret Yau. We thank the City of Temecula for its support for this program.

Wellness Wednesdays